Monday, August 12, 2024

 Against Zionist Control of America

“I did not ask for my country to be complicit in the ongoing genocide and attempted eradication of the people of Gaza and Palestine. I do not want to be complicit in the genocide of anyone. I do not want this crime to stain the name of the United States of America whenever it is spoken for the next century and for all eternity, and to bring shame upon me and my descendants, and to all others who hold American citizenship.”

Those words begin an open letter to Israel by Dr. Paul Larudee which charges Israel and its organizations and lobbies in the United States of stealing the United States and “dominating all narratives, all public policy and decision making in both the public and private sphere to the benefit of Israel.” He makes a powerful appeal to the American people to liberate themselves from this “corrupt control.” The global network of sayanim (collaborators) and the parallel organization of shadow ‘advisors’ or ‘minders’ whose job it is to remain in the faces of our elected and appointed government officials guarantee that legislation promotes the interests of Israel. 

The Americans are waking up to this danger to their democracy largely owing to the Israeli planned genocide of the Palestinian people taking place before their eyes and in their name. Warnings about Israel have been silenced by the mainstream media, but the true facts may be read on internet sites while Zionist propaganda is starting to crumble in the face of investigative writers detailing Israeli role in attacking the United States such as on the USS Liberty, 9/11 and assassinations of “liberal” Americans.

Larudee’s suggestion to require AIPAC and other actors on behalf of Israel to register as foreign agents under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, like all other representatives of foreign governments, would prevent them from influencing American elections with billions of dollars. However the attempt by Sen. William Fulbright’s committee in 1963 to do it, at Jack Kennedy’s directive, was one cause for Kennedy’s assassination. Lyndon Johnson, who masterminded Kennedy’s death, cancelled the attempt.

I have been critical of Israel’s wars on its neighbours and the constant killings of Palestinians, whom Israelis call “animals”. I understood the widespread sympathy of Jews due to their sufferings in the “Holocaust”. My Australian ambassador friend was a strong supporter of Israel and I respected his judgment yet at the same time wondered why he was so uncritical of its deeds. I became aware of Israeli interference in Canadian politics at first hand when the Liberal parliamentarian Ken Dryden visited Simcoe at the time when the U.S pressured Canada to join its attack on Afghanistan. Worried that Canada might be persuaded to assist in this senseless killing of an impoverished nation falsely accused of harbouring terrorists involved in the attack on the twin towers on 9/11, I asked Dryden, “We are not going to get involved in the Afghan War, are we?” When Dryden hesitated as he thought of an answer, I noticed a young fellow, who stuck close to Dryden, strain his neck to hear the reply. Dryden mumbled that nothing had been decided, that the issue was under discussion. I wondered why he seemed to shy from a clear answer and suspected the young man, his “minder”, hindered him. I began reading books about the catastrophe of 9/11 and wrote a detective novel Overworld/Underworld dramatizing the Zionist—Anti-Zionist conflict within the United States to understand the issues. The War on Hamas made a mockery of the chorus claiming Israel’s “right of self-defence”.

Kamala Harris seems to be a reasonable human being trapped in Biden’s Zionist foreign policy but giving promise of overthrowing it for the salvation of humanity. I feared that her choice for her vice-president might be Shapiro, a strong Zionist who would have no mercy for Arabs, and was relieved when she chose a moderate politician from the mid-west with a background of empathy for people. The Democrats now have a good chance to defeat Trump and his crude, insensible tribe who call themselves “Republicans” like wolves who call themselves sheep. But the Israeli leader Netanyahu by provoking war with Iran intends to drag the United States into one, thereby destroying Kamala Harris’s campaign for the presidency in favour of his friend Trump. “Dear old Biden” sent a battleship to the Near East instead of withholding the billions he sends Israel to effect a ceasefire. Biden, like so many American (and perhaps Canadian) politicians, acts like a robot run by Zionist organizations.

Critics of government policies bemoan the sacrifice of thousands of young American lives in furtherance of Israel’s interests such as the destruction of Iraq followed by Syria and Libya and ongoing rogue war with Yeman and others. Larudee concludes “we can prohibit or severely curtail private financing of elections, overturning Citizens United in the process, but going beyond, to eliminate some of the most obvious sources of public corruption. We can also legislate greater protection for free speech and the press, punish use of private donations to deny free speech and other civil rights, and enact similar measures. . . The problem with all such remedies, of course, is how to get them passed by institutions that are already under your [Israel’s] corrupt control. I’m not sure I have an answer for that, but someone else might. Because even genocide will not save Israel, which is not defeating – and cannot defeat – Hamas. Perhaps Hamas and its allies will liberate both Palestine and the United States.”

Such a wish may spread far beyond human rights workers and spark hopes for the end of news such as “The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) has claimed its second big win in the Democratic primaries after a prominent member of the progressive “Squad” in Congress, Cori Bush, lost her primary in St Louis after pro-Israel pressure groups spent millions of dollars to unseat her over criticisms of Israel’s war on Gaza. Aipac, in June, played a leading role in unseating the New York congressman Jamaal Bowman, another progressive Democrat who criticized the scale of Palestinian civilians deaths in Gaza.” The blowback will be strong. Meanwhile the massacre goes on and many nations led by Turkey apply to be included in the charge of war crimes against Israel by the International Court of Justice.

The New Left Review wrote: “The most intense bombardment of a concentrated urban space in recent memory, the fastest deliberate starvation of any population in recorded history, the greatest number of journalists killed in any conflict worldwide, and the greatest number of United Nations staff slain in any period: Israel has set out to methodically obliterate every aspect of Palestinian life in Gaza, with the Lancet estimating that its war may have already left more than 186,000 dead. As part of this ten-month rampage, Israel has targeted schools, universities, libraries, archives, cultural centres, heritage sites, mosques and churches. It has assassinated professors and massacred teachers, faculty and staff, along with their entire families. It has also caused irreparable harm to tens of thousands of students, in what UN officials have described as a ‘scholasticide’.” The United States and its allies will answer to the world for this obscenity and its humane citizens must overturn the powers that planned and financed it. The time has come to prosecute the perpetrators for the false war on terror and its targeting of nations innocent of the attack on 9/11—a false flag operation enabled by the Bush Administration and Tony Blair’s Labour government. (Several books detail the events of 9/11 by independent investigators. Probably the best is Laura Knight Jadczyk’s 9/11, The Ultimate Truth which delves further than others into co-operation between the attackers and the Bush government as well as analyzing the mentality of people who would commit such a crime. The official reports were easily shown as cover-ups. Books by the likes of John Farmer’s The Ground Truth keep to the government’s story but try to clean up the reports by blaming the government’s disorganization. Farmer was the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission. This argument was copied by the mainstream press when it blamed Hamas’ easy invasion of Israel on October 7 on Netanyahu’s ineptitude when it is blatantly obvious it was a false flag operation manipulated by Netanyahu.)

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