Friday, July 26, 2024


Speaker Johnson made one of the great political and moral blunders when he invited Netanyahu to address the US Congress. It places him and his Republican supporters as complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians and the deaths of many Israelis whom Netanyahu considered dispensable. Prominent Israelis condemned his decision in a New York Times’ article. Protestors calling Netanyahu a war criminal, now an established fact, were criticized harshly by Speaker Johnson who will bow his head in shame.

Johnson must explain and defend the following facts: [1] How did Hamas breach a fence that a rabbit would have set off an alarm and overwhelm Israel troops who had known of the invasion for a year and been warned by the Egyptians days before? [2] Why did the Netanyahu government overrule local authorities and allow celebrations of young people near the border the day before the invasion? [3] Why did the Netanyahu government send its troops away from the area that it knew would be invaded to the West Bank where there was no need? [4] Why does he not expose the lies that Netanyahu tells about Hamas murdering babies and other atrocities that now are well known as fiction? [4] Why does he not expose the killing of Israelis by Israeli helicopters which descended on the area well after the invasion and the shelling by Israeli forces on the 70 vehicles full of Israelis? [5] Why has he kept mum about Netanyahu’s funding of Hamas for decades and the close ties of Israeli Intelligence and the U.S. CIA with a faction of Hamas which invaded Israel to get hostages to trade for the release of Palestinian prisoners, as had been done for years? [6] Why has he not condemned this false flag operation which has been a modus operandi for Israel since its founding and Netanyahu’s double crossing of the Hamas militants? [7] Why has he and his Republicans sent 2000 pound bombs and other weaponry to Israel to annihilate Palestinian citizens, largely children? [8] Why has he not condemned the intentional starvation of Gazans, the Israeli soldiers shooting of unarmed students, intentional killing of scores of journalists, the wounded in hospitals, international aid workers and so on? [9]  Why has he not insisted on a permanent ceasefire and end to the war which has killed over 4,000 civilians as a Christian, which he calls himself, would do? [10] Why has he not condemned the horrific torture and brutal treatment of Palestinian prisoners by Israel in contradistinction to Hamas’s fair treatment and feeding of its Israeli hostages such that a bond between some hostages and Hamas is noteworthy? [11] Why has he helped to ruin the reputation of his country across the world by his inexplicable support of a band of psychopaths whose derision for the United States is standard and whose violence upon Americans from the infamous attack on the US Liberty ship to the 9/11 horrific, long-planned assault has been meticulously documented? [12] Why is he betraying his fellow Americans, the more liberal of which he sees as an enemy, when he fails to see the real enemy?

Does Johnson know that China has united the Palestinian factions, 14 of them, to respect one another and work towards a Palestinian state that the US and its European allies have pretended to want but have bowed under to Jewish lobbies and threats to defeat? Does he see how he has cast his country as the epitome of evil? A politician who rallies behind the immoral and unhinged Trump cannot be expected to think honestly. By betraying his belief in the goodness of Jesus Christ he initiates his self-destruction spiritually and the perdition of the nation he is dividing for a cause he cannot articulate. Historians, if they pay any attention to his brief time in the spotlight, will portray him as one of his nations biggest villains. 

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