Monday, October 7, 2024

 9/11 Belief and Control

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government is intent on exterminating its neighbours with the consent and armaments manufactured in the United States and shipped gratis. Its spokesmen announce that the Palestinians and other non-Jews are animals in human form and can be treated like objects devoid of consciousness as the Jewish religion requires. This is seen by non-Jews as a threat to humanity and Israel’s current massacre of defenceless Palestinians as genocide, which most of the world’s population condemns but lacks the power to stop.

Humans have considered animals, both wild and domesticated, to be without consciousness and therefore without feelings, to be tortured with impunity such as exemplified by Premier Ford’s Ontario government’s law forbidding any photographing of the treatment of farm animals like the boxing of calves for the few months of their lives to make their flesh softer before slaughter. Recently scientists have declared, after much study, that animals do have consciousness, thus challenging the official understanding and inadvertently the Jewish religion. Of course, the common man for many centuries knew that animals were conscious and often regarded their pets as equal to themselves. Some proclaim that animals have more intelligence than the majority of humans.

Laura Jadczyk, who exposed myths as fabrications and religions as imprisonments of the human soul, wrote, “Of course, Zionism and Christian Zionism make little sense if the entire foundation of Judaism is based on a lie and that lie has been covered up by those with imperialist agendas. Even those without imperialist agendas can be so attached to their belief system that no matter how much evidence is provided that it is based on lies, they will cling to it desperately and declare that all the “proofs” are just being provided to “test their faith.” A closed mind that is chained and locked is a terrible thing to see. . . . We object to all control systems. . . Christianity would not exist if it were not for Judaism, and vice-versa. They are strange bedfellows with Islam, and occasionally one glimpses the reality behind the facade of the power elite who created all three of them and played one against the other, throughout millennia, with the masses of normal people caught in the jaws of the trap.”

Jadczyk searched for the beginning to explain the problem. The historian Tacitus cited the eruption of Santorini on the island of Thera as the major disruption causing refugees from Crete, called Jews, to settle in a remote corner of Libya ca.1628 BC. This was one of the cataclysmic events that decimate civilizations and eventually give rise to new peoples. It ended the Bronze Age and may have given birth to Judaism. Other theories include the descendants of Ethiopians driven from their country but most authorities blame a plague causing bodily disfigurement throughout Egypt which caused the Pharaoh to round up the sufferers and abandon them in the desert; one group led by Moses invaded the lands of Canaanites. To secure the allegiance of his people Moses prescribed a novel religion, a purely spiritual monotheism. The Bible’s Deuteronomy, supposedly Moses’s farewell speech before his death, gave its real writers the opportunity to set out the law code (the Torah), making up one-half of it, to establish the ruling power. The second law demanded that the King be selected by Yaweh, meaning the priests, the Levites, including the power of summoning the tribes to battle.

Sargon the Great, 2,334—2,279 BC. conquered all southern Mesopotamia, Syria, Anatolia, Elam and established the region’s first Semitic dynasty. His story resembles the biblical stories of Moses, David and Solomon, which suggests that scribes replaced the true history with fables. Using mitochondriaDNA researchers found that the Near Eastern Jews (Sephardic Jews) were close to Yemenite Jews, Druze, North African Jews and Palestinians whereas Ashkenazi Jews (later the Zionists) were quite distant genetically and closer to Turks, Syrians and Roman Jews. Ashkenazis came from the Khazar Kingdom which converted to Judaism in 740 CE. for political reasons. “The country of the Khazars (their empire was a great power from the 7th to 11th century) was strategically located at the gateway between the Black Sea and the Caspian acting as a buffer protecting Byzantium against invasion by the barbarian Bulgars, Magyars, Pechenegs and later the Vikings and Russians. More importantly the Khazars also blocked the Arabs from Eastern Europe.” The wars of the Arabs and the Khazars, which lasted more than a hundred years, though little known, have thus considerable historical importance. Arab chroniclers described the Khazars as ”white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominately reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect was wild.” An Armenian said they had insolent, broad, lashless faces and long falling hair, like women. Just as the eruption of Santorini, the cataclysmic event possibly giving birth to Judaism and the end of the Bronze Age so a cosmic event such as collisions of comets and its debris on earth brought the quick rise of the Vikings who conquered from Ireland to the Dardanelles within decades and eventually reduced the Khazars to a tribute status. Magyars who subjugated the Khazars learnt from them the tools of war peculiar to every Turkish nation—light cavalry, using devices of simulated flight, shooting while fleeing and sudden charges with fearful wolf-like howling. Thus the Khazar Jews began their migration into Europe through the Magyars in Hungary and became known as the white Ashkenazis. As converts they were stricter observers of their religious laws and successful in preventing intermarriage with non-Jews, which led to inter-breeding. Therefore modern European Jews, while they practice a 1st century religion of the Pharisees, which was established as Rabbinical Judaism after 70 CE, have no connection to the peoples who formerly occupied the area known as Palestine. They are, by the definitions of the very Torah they claim to hold sacred, Gentiles. By the standards of the Essenes, who may very well be the followers of an ancient type of Judaism, the current day Jews aren’t even Jews.

Jadczek takes us through the developments and meanings of religions to the Dark Age in which the Old Testament came into being, during which time Monotheistic Judaism—the parent of Christianity and Islam whose validity is established only by the Old Testament—was imposed forcibly on the Canaanites. A similar Dark Ages enveloping the development and the codification of the New Testament and the imposition of Monotheistic Christianity on the Western World and Islam was foisted on those who were susceptible to neither of the former two. The god of the Jews is a personality who purportedly ceaselessly intervenes in history and reveals his will through events. Historical facts thus acquired a religious value in the fact that they were specific situations between man and god, transforming history into the epiphany of god. This conception was continued and magnified by Christianity. We can see the seeds of the original myths here, but we  can also see the major distortions. In monotheism every event is definitely situated in time—a given time and no other—and is not reversible; it is a historical event with weight and value in and of itself, and that weight is upon the shoulders of mankind, individually and collectively. . . . imposed through violence and exclusion, serving as the basis for the philosophy of history that Christianity from St Augustine on has laboured to construct. The concept of linear time gives value to the “future” as an end to everything and its arbiter is one god with a select group of servants who will be preserved if they obey him. Thus the concept of linear time, on which the modern world is predicated, was the raison d’ĂȘtre for the introduction of monotheism and becomes a supreme weapon to use against the mind of man in terms of control and domination. The Old Testament chronicles genocide and horrendous practices of human and animal sacrifice transferred to the New Testament as the sacrificial ritual of Jesus, replacing the teachings and life of the real man. By making blood sacrifice the atonement for everyone, one could manipulate the populace to emulate self-sacrifice such as in motivating participation in the Crusades and the endless wars and genocide by so-called “civilized” peoples as if it were normal.

The blatant disregard for the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians is a reality we live with today. What makes persons impervious to the pain and suffering of another?—an attitude among the Zionists, in the British, and, today, in the leaders of the United States and all who promote the hoax of the god-given Israel. Who is perpetuating this hoax and is there a link to an inability to feel another’s suffering?  We find the answer in the study of psychopathology and political ponerology, an exploration of evil, which we attempt in our next paper as an explanation for 9/11.