9/11 The Culprits
Efforts to identify the main players in the “attack on America” have brought scores of names to public attention. For such a complicated operation which was planned for years before it took place and required the cooperation of hundreds of complicit people, some carrying out the intentions of the U.S. government and some undermining those intentions to bring about a crisis in which one side gained control over the other, one must understand the aims of both sides. Two forces that cooperated on the government side were secretive: the Continuation of Government committee was begun in President Regan’s administration with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and CIA Director James Woolsey among others. It met through the following administrations and was activated by Richard Clark to meet the 9/11 crisis. Thierry Meysan in his indispensable book Before Our Very Eyes, Fake Wars and Big Lies from 9/11 to Donald Trump (2019) wrote: “When the Soviet Union collapsed, the US elite believed that a period of commerce and prosperity would follow the Cold War. However, a section of the military-industrial complex imposed rearmament in 1995, followed by a very aggressive imperialist policy as from 2001. This faction which identifies itself with the “Continuity of Government” group stand ready to take over power in case of the destruction of elected institutions. It prepared the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in advance, although they were not launched until after 11 September 20001.” When these wars failed, it adopted the British strategy of overthrowing the secular regimes in the Greater Middle East and remodelling the region into small states administered by the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization begun and financed by the U.S. to grow into a formidable armed force in Arab countries. It took control of NATO, the European Union and the U.N. “Several millions of deaths and trillions of dollars later it was challenged in the United States by the election of Donald Trump,” who asked his security adviser General Flynn to discover who were the members of the Continuity of Government.
The other force comprised neo-cons, following the conservative philosophy of Leo Strauss, who taught at the University of Chicago that politics and philosophy were intertwined. Strauss’s students, many Jewish, were appointed to important posts in the government. They were aligned with Israeli policy and had dual citizenship. They developed the Wolfowitz Doctrine written by one of its members, Paul Wolfowitz. The Doctrine meant to prevent a new Cold War and guarantee the place of the ,U.S as the world’s policeman. This required a powerful political will. Political and military officials decided George W Bush, son of a former president, would be their leader and tasked the Kagan family to create a lobbying group within the American Enterprise Institute—the Project for a New America Century—to make Bush president. “They were obliged to falsify the Presidential election in Florida—with the help of Governor Jeb Bush, Jr.’s brother—in order to allow W to clamber into the White House . . . . However, the new president was not particularly obedient, which forced his backers to organize a shock for public opinion, which they compared to a ’New Pearl Harbor’, on 11 September 2001.” On that day, George Bush was no long President. Executive power was transferred from the White House in Washington to site ‘R’, the Raven Rock Mountain bunker complex in Pennsylvania near Camp David. Units of the Army and Secret Services “collected” members of Congress and their teams and flew them to a gigantic nuclear bomb shelter, the High Point Special Facility in Mount Weather, Virginia. VP Cheney was taken to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center in an underground room under the West Wing of the White House. Fire engulfed the White House Annex. Threats of an attack by jet fighters were received. Sharpshooters deployed around the residence were armed with rocket launchers capable of repelling an assault by airborne troops. The Provisional Government, including the Continuity of Government members, kept news of the coup d’état from the public. In order for the legal government to obey the conspirators, it was necessary not only to maintain the illusion that the same team was in power but for the conspirators to be included in it.
The force threatening the Government who knew the secret codes of the several agencies including Air Force One must have comprised moles in the agencies or received the codes reconstituted by the software Promis that created them. With these codes the traitors, who must have come from the highest levels in government, could usurp the authority of the President. They might have posted snipers within the confines of the US Air Force’s strategic bases which forced Bush to ride in armoured vehicles on the landing fields of Barksdale and Offut to avoid ambushes. The secret codes authenticated their call to the Secret Service and implies parallel negotiations, with both the Provisional Government and George W Bush as a result of which the nation was committed to war on the Middle East and to loss of citizens’ rights under the guise of protecting its people from terrorists.
Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon interceded in the crisis and addressed the U.S. nation. He spoke as if he represented the American state and implied that the crisis was over. At the end of the afternoon Bush Jr., who had been handed back the executive power, addressed the nation by television and the members of Congress were freed. The conditions imposed by the Provisional Government such as suspending the Bill of Rights and planning wars to destroy all the uncontrolled states in the Great Middle East as well as assassinations around the world became law but split the elites into two groups depending on whether they supported or pretended to ignore them. A few personalities who openly opposed them, like Senator Paul Wellstone, were “physically eliminated.” The Pentagon intended to redraw the borders of the Near East inherited from the European Empires, create small, independent states and dissolve states which resisted. Meyssan commented, “Although ethnic religious groups in the Middle East are sometimes concentrated in their own areas, they are more often thoroughly commingled, so that dividing the map with a jigsaw is impossible without resorting to huge massacres.” The various “colour revolutions”, manipulating of crowds and media propaganda arranged by the CIA, Britain’s MI6, NATO’s underground cells and so on are explored by Meyssan with the detail that only a close observer and sometime highly-placed government agent would know. The mass killings of innocents, the unlawful tortures of suspected Arab terrorists, practically all of whom were innocent, were supervised by Cheney and his fellow administrators to frighten the nation into believing they were fighting terrorism. Bush also terrorized the Muslim world by supporting the balkanization of borders leaving no state with more than10 million citizens, attacked Afghanistan and Iraq under false pretences, killing at least 3 million innocents and submitted at least 80,000 Muslims to torture.
By identifying the investors who bet on the destruction of the twin towers and the hi-jacking of the planes the FBI could have unearthed paths leading them to the culprits. On the Chicago Stock Exchange insiders made gains of 5 million dollars on United Airlines, 4 million dollars on American Airlines, 1.2 million dollars on Morgan Stanley Dean Winter and Co., 5.5 million on Merrill Lynch. Gains on all the exchanges totalled several hundred million dollars. Put options on Morgan Stanley, for instance, multiplied twelve-fold in the week preceding the attacks; it’s firm occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center. Deutsche Bank and its American subsidiary Alex Brown handled most of the transactions. Alex Brown had been directed by A.B. Krongard, advisor to the Director of the CIA and since March 2001 the official number three in the hierarchy of the American intelligence agency. Despite all bank transactions being archived in two clearing organizations making it easy to trace capital movements leading to the beneficiaries of the attacks, the F.B.I. closed its investigation. The F.B.I. could have studied the message sent by the attackers to the Secret Service to identify them and should have discovered the source of messages sent to Odiga warning occupants of the attack two hours prior to the crashes into the towers; instead it made clues disappear and silenced testimony. All manipulative operations were managed by Robert Mueller III whom Bush appointed to head the FBI the week before September 11. Meyssan asks, was this pseudo-investigation meant to hide from view domestic American culpability and justify the military operations to follow? These operations, by the way, were treacherous, deceitful, and in the end counter-productive. American lives sacrificed were in the tens of thousands but fewer than the hundreds of thousands of citizens in foreign nations who had no wish to surrender their oil fields and their livelihoods for the benefit of American billionaires.
In a following essay we will point to a few of the blackmailers, a few of the moles, and a few of those covering up the event, although the seizure of the general public’s mind by unceasing propaganda makes such an exercise seem without consequence.
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