9/11 Psychopathy
A psychopath has been highlighted in our societies today owing to politicians such as Donald Trump. George W Bush and Benjamin Netanyahu. Psychopaths were always present in all walks of life but their methods of behaviour had not been studied until certain psychologists began looking into the crimes of Germany’s Hitler and Stalin’s Russia. Early in Trump’s political career psychiatrists described his symptoms—narcissism, lack of conscience, violent towards perceived enemies (that is anyone who stands in the way), manipulator, cynical, exhibitionist, solely out for himself and his wealth. Called the Essential Psychopath by Andrew Lobaczewki, who was one of the first among a number of scientists who studied the disease when under the control of psychopathic leaders during the Second World War, the most deadly psychopath can influence thousands of people through showmanship, that is exude charm, success and appear to act in the interests of the populace through deceit. “If the psychopath feels anything at all, they are emotions of only the shallowest kind. He is able to do whatever he wants, based on whatever whim strikes him because consequences that would fill the ordinary man with shame, self-loathing, and embarrassment simply do not affect the psychopath at all. What to others would be a horror or a disaster is to him merely a fleeting inconvenience.”
One could make the argument that many leaders of the U.S. could class as psychopaths. Lyndon Johnson for one. But George W. Bush is a classic example and his successors demonstrated lesser but still dangerous symptoms until Trump came on the scene to be the poster boy of evil and Joe Biden, the more discreet type, revealed his indifference to the suffering of others by supplying Israel with the latest technology and weapons to destroy the helpless Palestinians. Brain-damaged children can grow up with a pathologically damaged world view, and if they become the leader they can traumatize the minds and feelings of normal people, gradually diminishing their ability to use their common sense. “They thus represent pathological ponerogenic factors, which by their very covert activity, easily engender new phases in the eternal genesis of evil, opening the doors to a later activation of other factors which thereupon take over the main role,” writes Lobaczewski. Laura Jadczyk commented, “As I read this, I thought back to the last 45 or 50 years of history in America and realized that the ‘cold war’, the nuclear threat, the assassination of JFK, the antics of Nixon, Johnson, Reagan, Clinton, the manipulation of Americans via the media, were such characteropathic conditionings that opened the door for the neocons and their nominal puppet, George W Bush, who can certainly be described as ‘a clownish psychopath who makes no bones about his pathological vision of super-American rule’. We can see in the cabal that is assembled around George W. Bush the same ‘negative selection’ of advisors and cabinet officials as Lobaczewski described were assembled around Kaiser Wilhelm. So, we begin to understand just how important this ‘science of evil adjusted for political purposes’ may be and how much understanding we, as a society, lack.” She wrote this a few years before the advent of Donald Trump whose behaviour shocked the populace into the understanding she hoped for. Trump demanded loyalty from his cabinet and White House aids in imitation of the Bush cabal but openly demanded when televised rather than just quietly understood.
Psychopaths are aware of one another, of their difference from the rest of society, and study others to determine their weakness which they can prey upon. We are ignorant of them and the harm they can do to us without remorse. They wear a mask of sanity to emulate humanity and pretend to have feelings. They create a ponerogenically active network of common collusions, partially estranged from the community of normal people. The various pathological types work together to form a complex system of ponerogeneses. When a person cannot feel guilt, one’s understanding of winning and losing are very different from that of a normal person. The Spellbinder type can whip a crowd into frenzy. He is hypnotic. His drive comes from the need to convince others than he is right, although deviant and distorted. Paramoralism means the explaining away deeply held ideas with the excuse that they are not applicable in the present case. For instance, the invasion of Iraq was touted as bringing democracy to that country, thus emptying the concept of its original meaning and replacing it with “the freedom for American capital to do whatever it wants.” Having an entire media in the hands of spellbinders allows them to castigate critics, leading to a polarized society as is the case in the U.S. today. The debate goes in circles of who is right and who is wrong and can be overcome only by rising above it. This requires citizens to “understand the true nature of the evil that has settled over the U.S. like a cancerous cloud.”
Investigators have discovered that the pathology that has overtaken the Republican Party to make it subservient to Donald Trump has been developing through the influence of far right ideologues since the criminal presidency of Richard Nixon and become a pathocracy with world-wide influence. Those Republicans who challenged Trump in his electoral campaign became victims of his gross attacks which enthused that large part of the electorate who had been left behind in the nation’s pursuit of finance capitalism to believe that Trump would champion their cause. Being basically politicians the Republican Congressmen generally abandoned their principles and surrendered to Trump’s autocratic leadership, thus exemplifying the power of ponerogenesis to absorb individuals with weak character into the spellbinder’s movement. Jadczyk asked, “Could the decades old war on the public education in the United States, and now elsewhere in the world, be a conscious act of the part of the pathocracy to eliminate the critical attitude necessary to see through them?” Judging from the hysterical beliefs of Trump’s followers which led them to threaten election officials and their families with death because the officials were truthful that Trump lost the election of 2020, one must assume that not only are they uneducated but reduced to the lowest level of humanity where criminal force is their only method of expression.
To quote Lobaczewski, “One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behaviour in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological defects are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people. The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic.”
Jadczyk referred to the anti-French hysteria in the US (complete with wine and cheese dumping and the proclamation of “freedom fries” on Capitol Hill) that enveloped sections of the American population in 20003 to demonstrate that the ponerogenic transformation of the American people was well advanced when “millions of Americans were moved to express such hysterical animosity towards another nation whose only ‘sin’ was to stand against the desires of the American elite to illegally invade Iraq and state the truth—that Saddam was no threat to anyone.”
“Pathocratic ideas are internalized. One learns not to step out of line, at first out of fear, and, eventually, because one has lost the capacity of discerning the pathological from the normal. When immersed in a sick society, there are no longer any healthy points of comparison.”
“Any resistance to the American government, be it by foreign insurgents or American disgruntled citizens, is immoral and must be crushed. The same attitude is shown by Israel to the Palestinians. Any action on the part of those people corralled into reservations on what was once their own land, starved, persecuted for simply being Palestinian is taken as an act of ‘terror’ on the part of Israel, justifying reprisals that far outweigh the initial act.” (This was written long before the present genocide of the Palestinians by the Israelis.) This catatonic state that the psychopathic mind induces on the minds of normal people can be resisted by some people and the hypnotic effects can be transformed into buffoonery after repeated exposure leading to immunization, according to Lobaczewski.
The main threat to democracy comes not from the left but from the right. Once in power in a ponerogenic society, the pathological leaders understand they are evil and will be alert to any criticism and activity that could expose it and bring about its demise. COINTELPRO was the FBI’s secret program to undermine the popular anti-war and equal rights upsurge in the 1960s and when it failed the Bureau became the domestic version of the covert action for which the CIA has become infamous throughout the world. It has formed groups to discredit all attempts to find the truth—one could think of the control of the media by the Jewish elite as a form of COINTELPRO. Totalitarianism in the guise of fascism, writes Jadczyk, migrated to the US after Nazi Germany was defeated. They established their base in the Republican Party, co-opted the Intelligence Agencies and then took over the various officer corps. By 1961, the Secret Government felt confident enough to assassinate JFK in a stealth coup d’état. (He had just declared his intention to break the CIA into a thousand pieces, and was against Israel’s plan to equip itself with nuclear weapons. The CIA, Mossad and their cronies got to him first.) Since 1963 they have had shadow government control over the U.S. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. As Lobaczewski points out, such a movement—a Pathocracy—eventually attracts to itself all the deviants in a society and they “rise to positions of power in industry and local government until the infection has spread to every level of the nation.”
Like a fungus, what you see of a Pathocracy is far outweighed by what you don’t see. Not only is there a vast network of informers, the shadow government has been carrying out a decades long plan to infiltrate, monitor, and place individuals in strategically key positions, and then control all law enforcement bodies, major media outlets, and all political parties. If it seems that there is a high preponderance of Jews in such positions, it is only because Jewish psychopaths are smarter than any others. (Many would attribute it to dual citizenship and the neo-cons allegiance to Israel which expects them to direct U.S. policy according to Israel’s interests. If fired for spying, the offender will be hired by another Jewish neocon to work in another government department.)
Donald Trump’s first term as President of the U.S. gave Americans a rare view into this pathological behaviour. His boasting of his conducting a dictatorship in which he has the power to destroy his opponents and “enemies”, facilitated by the corrupt Supreme Court he established, if he becomes President again, hangs over the nation like black cloud, as I write this four weeks before the 2024 election.
In Lenni Brenner’s book 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, Brenner presents historical documents that show that certain Zionist leaders assisted in ”selecting” which Jews did or did not go to their deaths during WWII. (Psychopaths recognizing and saving other psychopaths?) Thus a culling of the actual Jewish herd was first on the agenda in order to create a Master Race to control and direct the current psychopathic end game. It seems that this end game required the establishment of a Jewish homeland on Palestinian land, which was “coincidentally” effected, in large part, by the Jewish Holocaust, which was aided and abetted by the psychopathic Zionist leaders. “If this speculation is anywhere close to reality—and there is good reason to believe it is—then that could very well explain the research into so-called “ethnic specific weapons” that can target everyone except genetic psychopaths.”
As in Putin’s Russia, the psychopaths fear the normal people who may topple them, so they give long prison terms to those offering the slightest criticism of their regime. If they inspire a spirit of resistance in the population as did Alexis Navalny, they are murdered.
How could such a government in the U.S. remain secret? Look to the genetic deviance of psychopathy of those in government. “In any group of society, there are always despised ‘creatures’ that can be found to betray their fellows in the most vile and inhuman ways—because they are psychopaths and they occur in every group through the simple laws of genetic recombination.”
(In this context I think of the faction of Hamas that invaded Israel in a false flag operation knowing full well that Netanyahu would retaliate in wiping out the people of Gaza in accord with a plan long on the books. And recently Israel’s infiltration of Hezbollah circles in Iran and Lebanon over the years by those co-opted by Mossad to make the killing of Hezbollah leadership so widespread and devastating.)
From this warning of the dominance of ponerogenesis in U.S. society (and elsewhere) as the mental condition which could bring about the tragedy of 9/11, we turn to the characters and their methods in effecting that great betrayal of the American people.
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