Friday, July 26, 2024

 The Assassin re-examined

— Hello, Jim. I’ve been bothered by thoughts. I need your detective smarts.

—The assassination attempt? Well Chief, I’ve been unable to sleep because of it. The investigators found no motive, other than the stuff you read us and that was planted

—Probably by the Secret Service.

—Why didn’t it secure the building overlooking the rally? Look at the Jack Kennedy assassination, Chief. The CIA and its partner in crime Mossad, the mob and the generals and the profiteers, they all had the poor guy in their sights and the Secret Service stood aside.

—It took time to develop relations among them and then plan it, Jim. With Kennedy an authority gave the order to kill and insured a cover-up, namely Vice-President Johnson. Crooks graduated with honours. He was no dummy and no fanatic. He used a drone to see the set-up. We think maybe there were three shooters.

—Well, the CIA and Mossad have sleepers all over the country but Trump gave Israel all it wants so maybe it was the Ukrainians fearing Trump would sell them out to Putin. Trump telephoned Zelensky when he recovered..

—I have a bigger power in mind, Jim. Keep this conversation between us. My office is swept for listening devices and the latest wireless shit. 

—(Smiling) I’m all ears.

—President Joe Biden.

—No kidding.

—Number One: The shooting at Trump came after the debate he had with Trump who humiliated him. Number Two: Those who quit the White House because Biden refused to end the war on Gaza claim he is as psychopathic as Netanyahu’s gang. 40,000 murdered Palestinians does not concern him. Number Three: The cabal around him are Zionists with close ties to the Israeli government, which means the Mossad, which means assassination..

—If you’re right, Chief, we’re in a big mess.

—It’s only a guess. Biden may be mentally out of the picture. (The chief picks up his i-phone). It’s known that BlackRock the $10 trillion Investment company featured Thomas Mathew Crooks in a commercial in 2022 and its CEO Larry Fink contributed millions to Biden’s campaign. Just an innocent connection?

—Ouch! Investigative journalism is ahead of the investigators. Donald Trump insisted that his doctors not say a word to the public about his wound. Maybe it was not made by a bullet. That guy knows all the tricks, including eliciting sympathy to get votes.

—If so, Crooks thought he was part of a ruse and the Service would not touch him.

—Sounds possible, Chief. I know that a 20-year old kid is easy to deceive, especially by an expert in deception. And the public is easier to deceive than a 20-year old kid. 

—Wait, Jim! I’m getting news over my i-phone. Biden resigns, endorses Harris for president!

—Unbelievable! Must be the Covid 19. Makes you face reality. Maybe he did order the assassination and its failure is his failure.

—We’ll never know, Jim. Government hides its secrets. Have a good sleep tonight.

—That’s not likely.


Report, Harris et. al. threatened to use the 25th Amendment, so Biden gave in.


Speaker Johnson made one of the great political and moral blunders when he invited Netanyahu to address the US Congress. It places him and his Republican supporters as complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians and the deaths of many Israelis whom Netanyahu considered dispensable. Prominent Israelis condemned his decision in a New York Times’ article. Protestors calling Netanyahu a war criminal, now an established fact, were criticized harshly by Speaker Johnson who will bow his head in shame.

Johnson must explain and defend the following facts: [1] How did Hamas breach a fence that a rabbit would have set off an alarm and overwhelm Israel troops who had known of the invasion for a year and been warned by the Egyptians days before? [2] Why did the Netanyahu government overrule local authorities and allow celebrations of young people near the border the day before the invasion? [3] Why did the Netanyahu government send its troops away from the area that it knew would be invaded to the West Bank where there was no need? [4] Why does he not expose the lies that Netanyahu tells about Hamas murdering babies and other atrocities that now are well known as fiction? [4] Why does he not expose the killing of Israelis by Israeli helicopters which descended on the area well after the invasion and the shelling by Israeli forces on the 70 vehicles full of Israelis? [5] Why has he kept mum about Netanyahu’s funding of Hamas for decades and the close ties of Israeli Intelligence and the U.S. CIA with a faction of Hamas which invaded Israel to get hostages to trade for the release of Palestinian prisoners, as had been done for years? [6] Why has he not condemned this false flag operation which has been a modus operandi for Israel since its founding and Netanyahu’s double crossing of the Hamas militants? [7] Why has he and his Republicans sent 2000 pound bombs and other weaponry to Israel to annihilate Palestinian citizens, largely children? [8] Why has he not condemned the intentional starvation of Gazans, the Israeli soldiers shooting of unarmed students, intentional killing of scores of journalists, the wounded in hospitals, international aid workers and so on? [9]  Why has he not insisted on a permanent ceasefire and end to the war which has killed over 4,000 civilians as a Christian, which he calls himself, would do? [10] Why has he not condemned the horrific torture and brutal treatment of Palestinian prisoners by Israel in contradistinction to Hamas’s fair treatment and feeding of its Israeli hostages such that a bond between some hostages and Hamas is noteworthy? [11] Why has he helped to ruin the reputation of his country across the world by his inexplicable support of a band of psychopaths whose derision for the United States is standard and whose violence upon Americans from the infamous attack on the US Liberty ship to the 9/11 horrific, long-planned assault has been meticulously documented? [12] Why is he betraying his fellow Americans, the more liberal of which he sees as an enemy, when he fails to see the real enemy?

Does Johnson know that China has united the Palestinian factions, 14 of them, to respect one another and work towards a Palestinian state that the US and its European allies have pretended to want but have bowed under to Jewish lobbies and threats to defeat? Does he see how he has cast his country as the epitome of evil? A politician who rallies behind the immoral and unhinged Trump cannot be expected to think honestly. By betraying his belief in the goodness of Jesus Christ he initiates his self-destruction spiritually and the perdition of the nation he is dividing for a cause he cannot articulate. Historians, if they pay any attention to his brief time in the spotlight, will portray him as one of his nations biggest villains. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


I am a loner. When I was in grade school I had two or three friends that were quiet types like me. In high school kids got meaner. They disliked the way I avoided them, I guess. I was wary of them. They punched me, tried to knock me over just to show me how tough they were. Their toughness was a fraud because it was the group that gave them courage. On their own they would give me dirty looks but they avoided me. I was really good in mathematics which gave me the reputation of a nerd and isolated me to where I sat alone at a lunch table and read my i-phone to pretend that I liked being alone.

Over the years of sudden fear, anger bordering on hatred for those oafs, and certain times of feeling inferior, although I knew I was smarter really as I told myself repeatedly, I retreated into myself. Those boys who shouted at me, called me names, cuffed me when I wasn’t looking became a mob I despised. As I grew wiser in my late teens I saw the crowds at political rallies on television as a fiercer form of the mob of bullies who had tormented me and embarrassed me because I felt weak. Mindless is what I called them. Worshippers of foolish people whom they called leaders. All of them were a threat to reason.

To give me comfort, some sense of protecting myself and a feeling of strength, I borrowed my father’s rifle and joined the rifle club near my home town. I became a fairly good shot on the range. I used to picture one of my bullies, see his face and plug it with a bullet. After graduating from college, I took a job as dietician in a retirement home as a stop gap until I could figure out what I wanted in life. From the cleaners to the nursing aides and even the residents there were arguments over politics with a venom that disturbed me. I began watching political rallies of Republicans because that is what my father told me to vote for. I saw the man who social media on my i-phone called a ‘shit-disturber.” He looked like a giant reproduction of any one of the guys who loved to bully me. He boasted about how strong, how smart and how rich he was just like one of my tormentors. I hated the way he told his worshippers to beat up reporters and hecklers and belittled the disadvantaged and the poor with foul language that I recognized from my high school years. 

I had a course or two in political science so I knew when this buffoon was lying, which was most of the time, and how he fooled his listeners who swelled into millions and how he became president and acted like a mafia don. I was amazed how Republicans who had denounced him had converted to fervid supporters and sold their souls to this bully. And how they praised him after he led his mobs to attack the Capitol to kill the Congressmen. When he cursed the courts which tried to prosecute him for his crimes, and the corrupt judges he appointed made decisions that excused him for those crimes, and he declared he would become a dictator if elected and take violent revenge on his “enemies,” the honest men who had stood up to his bullying, I saw that his hold over the weak was becoming irreversible, dangerous to the country. It was as if the bullies I had known had taken control and were destroying the law, the constitution, everything good and fair. And no one was doing anything to stop him, except for a weak old man who lost his train of thought and embarrassed us as our president. He encouraged the genocide of Palestinians by murderers with the weapons he gave them. He was just a quieter side of the bully. 

On the rifle range I saw the bully’s face replacing the faces of bullies I had known. I swore to myself that if I ever had the chance to kill him I would, although that seemed unlikely. When I heard that the bully was holding a rally in Pennsylvania not far from where I lived, I had my chance. I could take my revenge on all those years of humiliation.

I scouted the surroundings to the bleachers on which the rally was to be held. I picked a spot on the roof of a building that was well within the distance to the bleacher that my rifle could shoot. I drove home to pick up my rifle and ammunition. I loved the feel of my rifle. I loved the strength it gave me. 

Thousands waited for my target. Some waved signs like silly geese. I walked around waiting for the time he was to speak. I carried my rifle as if I was part of the security. When I heard the cries and clapping from the crowds, I slipped along the side of the building I had chosen. I climbed to the roof. I was nervous but determined. No police seemed to notice me, at least not until the guys who had seen me began yelling to them. I sighted my rifle at the target trying to get a clear shot but other heads got in the way. A policeman was trying to hoist himself onto the roof when I pointed my rifle at him and he dropped down giving me a moment. I got off a few shots and saw that one at least hit the bully. Then the back of my head exploded.


“Well, guys, what do you think? All but the last paragraph was found on the back seat of his car. Sergeant Quick added it, sort of to give it completion.” Chief Bulwer looked ruefully at his two subordinates.

“You read it pretty good,” Detective Orr smiled. “And the last bit showed real imagination but it has to be cut ‘cause it looks like we concocted the whole damn thing.”

“Cut the whole damn thing,” Sergeant Main growled. “The kid will look like a martyr when the real martyr is the wounded former president. The Secret Service is in enough trouble as it is.”

“You’re right. We’ll scrap it,” Chief Bulwer sighed with relief. “Besides Mr. Trump is going to be our next president and the public does not need all this stupid guff about him.”

Sergeant Main laughed. “That kid was one fucking weirdo if I ever saw one.”

Monday, July 8, 2024

Biden’s Exit

During Biden’s first term as president there was the suspicion generally felt that his advisers would rather have a Trump presidency than a progressive democratic administration. Today when Biden’s physical degeneration has caused those who fear a Trump presidency and those who fear a mindless four more years of Biden to call for his resignation for the good of the nation. The example of a tearful Michael Moore pleading for an honest medical examination of Biden, whom he sees as a beloved grandfather sinking into incompetency, demonstrates the frustration of the vast majority of Democrats with Biden’s insistence of running against Trump who mocks him as “a piece of crap.” Trump, regardless of his innate dishonesty, does hit at the weakness of a person, although crass and exaggerated. Biden has no chance of beating Trump in an election due soon (unless there is skullduggery). All the excuses for his lost look in his debate with Trump given to the public by his handlers reveal their panic and his weakness. The interviews Biden gave to demonstrate his acuity were managed by his handlers.

“Questions about Biden’s mental state continued on Saturday when the two radio hosts who interviewed him briefly on Thursday said that the Biden campaign had given them a list of approved questions. Wisconsin radio host Earl Ingram said that Biden aides had sent him a list of four questions in advance, about which there was no negotiation. “They gave me the exact questions to ask,” Ingram told the Associated Press. ‘There was no back and forth.’”

Who are these handlers? Our best informant is the economist Michael Hudson whose podcast “Gaza: The Strategic Imperative” considered “the most crucial podcast of 2024” giving “the essential background to understand the unthinkable: a 21st century genocide broadcast live to the whole planet” by a witness to its planning in 1974.

“For the United States, what they wanted was the oil reserves in the Middle East. And again and again, I heard the phrase, ‘you’re our landed aircraft carrier in Israel’. Uzi Arad, the future Mossad head, would be very uncomfortable at this because he wanted Israel to be run by the Israelis. But they realized that for Israel to get by with the money that it needed for its balance of payments, it had to be in a partnership with the United States.

So, what you’re seeing today isn’t simply the work of one man, of Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s the work of the team that President Biden has put together. It’s the team of Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor Blinken, and the whole deep state, the whole neocon group behind them, Victoria Nuland, and everyone. They’re all self-proclaimed Zionists. And they’ve gone over this plan for essentially America’s domination of the Near East for decade after decade.

In an email exchange, Prof. Hudson detailed he’s now essentially “spilling the beans” about how, “50 years ago when I worked at the Hudson Institute with Herman Kahn [the model for Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove], Israeli Mossad members were being trained, including Uzi Arad. I made two international trips with him, and he outlined to me pretty much what has happened today. He became head of Mossad and is now Netanhayu’s advisor.”

Prof. Hudson shows how “the basic Gaza plan is how Kahn designed the Vietnam War’s division into sectors, with canals cutting off each village, as the Israelis are doing to Palestinians. Also already at time, Kahn pinpointed Balochistan as the area to foment disruption in Iran and the rest of the region.”

It’s not by accident that Balochistan has been CIA jewel territory for decades, and recently with the added incentive of the disruption by any means necessary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – a key connectivity node of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Prof. Hudson then connects the major dots: “As I understand it, what the U.S. is doing with Israel is a dress rehearsal for it to move on to Iran and the South China Sea. As you know, there is no Plan B in American strategy for a very good reason: If anyone criticize Plan A, they’re considered not to be a team player (or even Putin’s Puppet), so critics have to leave when they see that they won’t be promoted. That’s why U.S. strategists won’t stop and re-think what they’re doing.” (See my previous blog—DRB)

Trump would continue this genocide, but a progressive administration, listening to the American people, who are sick of it, might stop it.

“As the United States learned in the Vietnam War, populations protest, and the U.S. population protested against the Vietnam War. What the Biden administration wants to avoid is the situation that President Johnson had in 1968. Any hotel, any building that he went to, to give a speech for his re-election campaign, there were crowds shouting, LBJ, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? . . . If you’re going to permit genocide, you have to realize that you don’t want the domestic U.S. population or the rest of the world to oppose the U.S. and Israel. You kill the journalists. And for the last, ever since the October 2nd Al-Aqsa event, you’ve had one journalist per week killed in Israel. . . The other people you don’t want, if you’re going to bomb them, you have to start by bombing the hospitals and all of the key centers. That also was part of the idea of the Vietnam War. How do you destroy a population? This was all worked out in the 1970s, when people were trying to use systems analysis to think, how do you work back and see what you need? And the idea, if you bomb a population, you can’t really hide that, even if you kill the journalists. How do you kill a population passively? So you minimize the visible bombing. Well, the line of least resistance is to starve them. And that’s been the Jewish, the Israeli policy since 2008. . . And so Israel has been especially focusing after the journalists, after the hospitals, you bomb the greenhouses, you bomb the trees, you sink the fishing boats that have supplied food to the population. And then you aim at fighting the United Nations relief people. . .Well, the United States is fully behind this. And to help starve the Gazan people, Biden immediately, right after the ICJ finding of plausible genocide, withdrew all funding from the United Nations relief agencies. The idea, again, the hope was to prevent the United Nations from having the money to supply food. . . Looking forward, the United States says, how do we prevent other nations moving against us in the international court or suing or somehow putting sanctions against us? Israel is the test case, not simply for what’s happening there in Israel and Palestine itself, but against anything that the United States will be doing through the rest of the world. That’s why the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., echoed by [Blinken] and other U.S. officials, said there’s no court of justice ruling against genocide, that it was a non-binding ruling. Well, of course it was binding, but it has no means of enforcement. And both [Blinken] and yesterday, the head of the army said, there is no genocide taking place in Gaza. Well, what that means is you have to go to a court, and that’s going to take years and years. And by the time the court case is over and there’s any judgment of reparations due,. . . by then the Gazans will all be dead. So the U.S. aim is to end the rule of international law that is why the United Nations was founded in 1945. . . There’s only one anti-war candidate running in the presidential elections for this November. That’s Jill Stein. Every other candidate is completely backing Israel in the war, but the American people, the majority of Americans look at what’s happening in Israel as genocide and as a crime against humanity. They’re not going to vote for Biden. Biden is going to lose the election or certainly not win it. It may go into the House of Representatives if nobody wins it.”

I have quoted Hudson at some length because readers may not search out his podcast. His interviewer, Ania, exclaimed that it was horrible.

Hudson said: Well, imagine how I used to feel sitting in meetings and all of this was just said as if this is part of a game and this is how we’re planning it all out. All of this was what was discussed. How do we do evil?

Ania: They are not humans to me. . . Soulless beings that are not humans.

I refer the reader to my poem “Man’s Soul” in a previous blog.

Novelist Susan Abulhawa explains that the declared Palestinian death toll (of about 37,000) itself is a deception first because of the manner in which the numbers are calculated, and second, because of the reduced capacity to count death tolls.

First, the only deaths counted, says Abulhawa, are those from “direct fire”.  Consequently, those who die from lack of access to medications that would normally treat chronic diseases, those who die from Zionist-imposed starvation and famine, those whom Zionists kidnap, the missing, those buried beneath the rubble,(1) those who die from rampant diseases caused by bombed and impaired infrastructure including water treatment plants,(2) none of these are counted, even as the Zionist siege of Gaza, the Zionist bombing of hospitals and infrastructure, the murder of health care workers, are root causes.

This Is What Genocide Looks Like

Second, even the limited methodology of counting only those who interface with hospitals is impaired since Zionists have been bombing and destroying hospitals as policy. Not only are they murdering hospital personnel, but computer servers and other instruments of recording deaths are being destroyed.

The real death toll so far from the Zionist extermination campaign, explains Abulhawa, would be 193,000 plus to 514,000 plus.

“Simple math proves,” says Abulhawa, “that Israel’s stated goal (for invasion) is an epic lie.” (From Global Research)

Biden’s dishonesty was evident in a reply to his interviewer who asked “Did you watch your debate?” Biden replied, “I don’t think I did” or words to that effect. Would it be possible for one whose performance was termed “catastrophic” not want to watch what he did wrong? 

Biden’s poll numbers, increasingly worse by day, spell his ignominious defeat and the nation’s certain spiral into autocracy and criminal rule. The Zionist control of Biden since his early years in politics and its dominance in Congress and the media will be held responsible for the brutality of fascism awaiting the American people.

Should Biden be forced to relinquish the presidency to Kamala Harris, one will question Harris’s support for the genocide. Her husband is Jewish and therefore indebted to the tribe. But is he a Zionist and a supporter of Israel?

Senator Elizabeth Warren who ran for the presidency is the best candidate to succeed Biden. Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, almost became Biden’s vice-president but may be too supportive of Israel to be trusted as president. The Israeli American organizations have a stranglehold on most American politicians.

The threat of imprisonment for those who question the Holocaust, the constant charges of anti-Semitism against those criticizing Israel, the beatings by police and imprisonment by those protesting the genocide in Gaza, the refusal of the mainstream press to print letters protesting Israel’s illegal and brutal treatment of Palestinians while giving Jewish organizations space to recite Israel’s greatness and lie about its actions, all amount to the invidious take-over of our government, media and social institutions by a power funded by wealth and conducted by stealth.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

 Man’s Soul

Does one have a soul

That can be looked into?

It is rather droll

If one sees there sin too.

After age ten for some years

God becomes a person

His son ended in tears

When their relationship worsened.

Entering manhood at twenty

Finding Church sermons a mumble

And hypocrisies plenty

Our faiths in myth crumble.

Pagan beliefs make pleasurable reading

Poets and thinkers bring them alive

Evil strikes when control demands bleeding

Priests, armies and hatred arrive.

Life’s miseries made the soul’s dependance

On Government and Holy Word essential.

It seeks reassurance in credence,

Enjoys the mindset of the residential.

Catholic Christianity murdered the Gnostics

Who worshipped Christ as the son of man.

It destroyed its love along with the rustics

Whose message of peace sought to expand.

Wars of religion have wiped out species

Righteousness is the whip that enslaves,

When thought is shattered in pieces,

Succumbing to propaganda like the home of the brave.

Spinoza’s reason opens the prison.

Creator and created are one and the same.

No longer fear, no longer derision.

Religious tyranny sputters out like a flame.

Mystics heard divinity speak in the fields.

Hegel saw divinity in the winds of the universe,

But Feuerbach saw it in man’s yields,

Living on earth to quench man’s thirst.

Love of Humanity was the good man’s hope.

Afterworlds, as Hume showed, were a myth.

Inhumanity leads the sensitive to dope

And criminals to take the fifth.

Before language was mental communication.

Man’s thought carried simple emotions.

Speech brought division by stratification.

“Rulers” commanded “slaves” to devotions.

By anthropomorphizing God

Priests sanctified man’s convictions,

Conflicting and enforced by the rod

Leading to political contradictions.

Might the soul yearning for freedom

Be filled with dictated obsessions

As criminal as Satan’s Kingdom,

Desirous of another’s possessions?

Souls of nations like the US and Israel

Where wealth and violence apprise

Show disillusionment and despair so integral

To governments of criminal enterprise.

Their histories of conquest and rape

And presently of obscene torture

Sins from which they cannot escape

Stink with the corruption of nature.

Can we see the soul’s survival

In today’s ignominious calumny?

Could man’s integrity banish its rival,

Push it into oblivion dumbly?

Reason and tolerance brought it light

Rescued it from pernicious dark

And ignorance that blinds as a blight.

Its survival needs courage stark

In the heat of an American election.

Religious politics can decide its fate

As we rely on good sense for deflection

From maniacal destruction of state.

David Richard Beasley, author of That Other God —In Vienna, Austria, after WW II, an American poet and mystic sets out with single minded determination to unite the peoples of the earth through meditation, telepathy, and the collective subconscious to bring them to the knowledge of the one true “God” of humanity. (