Thursday, June 27, 2024

  I am attaching an interview with Michael Hudson whom I knew well in NYC. He is recognized as one of the first rate economists now.  He verifies what I have blogged about on my web site i.e. black flag operation and genocide on purpose by USA. It is important that as many honest people as possible know of this. He is interesting to read on his website—

.Israel, Gaza and West Bank should be seen as an

opening of the New Cold War.

In what can be considered the most crucial podcast of2024 so far, Professor Michael Hudson – the author of seminal works such as Super-Imperialism and the recent The Collapse of Antiquity , among others – clinically lays down the essential background to understand the unthinkable: a 21st century genocide broadcast live 24/7 to the whole planet. In an email exchange, Prof. Hudson detailed he’s now

essentially “spilling the beans” about how, “50 years ago when I worked at the Hudson Institute with Herman Kahn [the model for Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove], Israeli Mossad members were being trained, including Uzi Arad. I

made two international trips with him, and he outlined to me pretty much what has happened today. He became head of Mossad and is now Netanhayu’s advisor.”

Prof. Hudson shows how “the basic Gaza plan is how Kahn designed the Vietnam War’s division into sectors, with canals cutting off each village, as the Israelis are

doing to Palestinians. Also already at time, Kahn pinpointed Balochistan as the area to foment disruption in Iran and the rest of the region.”It’s not by accident that Balochistan has been CIA jewel territory for decades, and recently with the added incentive of the disruption by any means necessary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – a key connectivity node of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Prof. Hudson then connects the major dots: “As I understand it, what the U.S. is doing with Israel is a dress rehearsal for it to move on to Iran and the South China

Sea. As you know, there is no Plan B in American strategy for a very good reason: If anyone criticize Plan A, they’re considered not to be a team player (or even Putin’s Puppet), so critics have to leave when they see that they won’t be promoted. That’s why U.S. strategists won’t stop and re-think what they’re doing.”

Isolate them in strategic hamlets, then kill them

In our email exchange, Prof. Hudson remarked “this is basically what I said” in reference to the podcast with Ania K, drawing on his notes (here is the full, revised

transcript). Fasten your seat belts: unvarnished truth is more lethal than a hypersonic missile hit.

On the Zionist military strategy in Gaza:

“My background in the 1970s at Hudson Institute with Uzi Arad and other Mossad trainees. My field was BoP, but I sat in on many meetings discussing military strategy, and I flew to Asia twice with Uzi and got to know him. The U.S./Israeli strategy in Gaza is based in many ways on Herman Kahn’s plan that was carried out in Vietnam in the 1960s. Herman’s focus was systems analysis. Start by defining the overall aim and then, how do we achieve it? First, isolate them in Strategic Hamlets. Gaza has been carved up into districts, requiring electronic passes for entry from one sector to another, or into Jewish Israel to

work. First thing: kill them. Ideally by bombing, because that minimizes domestic casualties for your army. The genocide that we are seeing today is the explicit

policy of Israel’s founders: the idea of “a land without a people” means a land without non-Jewish people. They were to be driven out – starting even before the official founding of Israel, in the first Nakba, the Arab holocaust. Two Israeli Prime Ministers were members of the Stern Gang of terrorists. They escaped from their British jail and joined to found Israel.What we are seeing today is the Final Solution to this plan.It also dovetails into U.S. desires to control the Middle East and its oil reserves. For U.S. diplomacy, the Middle East IS (in caps) oil. And ISIS is part of America’s foreign legion since it was first organized in Afghanistan to fight

the Russians. That is why Israeli policy has been coordinated with the U.S.. Israel is the main U.S. client oligarchy in the Middle East. Mossad does most handling of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and wherever else the U.S. may send ISIS terrorists.

Terrorism and even the present genocide is central to U.S. geopolitics.

But as the U.S. learned in the Vietnam War, populations protest and vote against the President who supervises this war. Lyndon Johnson couldn’t make a public appearance without crowds chanting. He had to sneak out the side entrance of hotels where he was speaking. To prevent an embarrassment such as Seymour Hersh describing the My Lai massacre, you block journalists from the battlefield. If they are there, you kill them. The Biden-Netanyahu team has targeted journalists in particular. So the ideal is to kill the population passively, to minimize visible bombing. And the line of least resistance is to starve the population. That has been Israeli policy since 2008.”

And don’t forget to starve them

Prof. Hudson makes a direct reference to a Sara Roy piece in The New York Review of Books, citing a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to the Secretary of State on November 3rd, 2008. The cable reads, “As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed to [embassy officials] on multiple

occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge.”

That has led, according to Prof. Hudson, to Israel “destroying fishing boats and greenhouses of Gaza to deprive it from feeding itself. Next, it has joined with the United States to block United Nations food aid and that of other countries. The U.S.

quickly withdrew from the UN relief agency as soon as hostilities began, doing so immediately after the ICJ finding of plausible genocide. It was the major funder of

this agency. The hope was that this would set back its activities.Israel simply stopped letting food aid in. It set up long, long lines of inspections, that is, an excuse to slow the trucks to just 20% of their pre-Oct. 7 rate – from a normal rate of

500 a day to just 112. In addition to blocking trucks, Israel has targeted aid workers – about one a day. The United States sought to avoid being condemned by

pretending to build a wharf to unload food by sea. The intention was that by the time the wharf was built, Gaza’s population would be starved out.”

Biden and Netanyahu as war criminals

Prof. Hudson succinctly draws the key connection in the whole tragedy: “The U.S. is trying to blame one person, Netanyahu. But that has been Israeli policy since 1947.

And it is U.S. policy. Everything that is occurring since October 2, when the Al-Aqsa mosque was raided by Israeli settlers, leading to Hamas’s [Al-Aqsa Flood] retaliation on October 7, was closely coordinated with the Biden administration. All the bombs that have been dropped, month after month, as well as blocking United Nations aid. The U.S. aim is to prevent Gaza from having the offshore gas rights that would help finance their own prosperity and that of other Islamic groups that the United States views as enemies. And to show the neighboring countries what will be done to them, just as the U.S. has done to Libya just before Gaza. The bottom line is that Biden and his advisors are just as much war criminals as is Netanyahu.”

Prof. Hudson stresses how “the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Blinken and other U.S. officials have said the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling of genocide and

calling for it to stop is Non-Binding. Then, Blinken has just said that no genocide is taking place. The U.S. aim of all this is to end the rule of international law as represented by the UN. It is to be replaced by the U.S. ‘rules-based order,’ with no rules published. The intention is to make the U.S. immune to any opposition to its policies based on legal principles of international law or local laws. A totally free hand – chaos. U.S. diplomats have looked forward and seen that the rest

of the world is seeing to withdraw from the U.S. and European NATO orbit.

To cope with this irreversible movement, the U.S. is trying to de-tooth it by wiping away all remaining traces of the international rules that underlay the UN’s founding, and indeed the Westphalian principle back in 1648 of non- interference in the affairs of other countries.The actual effect, as usual, is just the opposite of what the U.S. intended. The rest of the world is being forced to create its own New UN, along with a new IMF, new World Bank, new International Court at the Hague and other

organizations controlled by the U.S.. So the world’s protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank – don’t forget the West Bank – is the

emotional and moral catalyst to creating a new multipolar geopolitical order for the Global Majority.”

Disappear or die

The key question remains: what will happen to Gaza and the Palestinians. Prof. Hudson’s judgement is ominously realistic: “As Alastair Crooke has explained, there now cannot be any two-state solution in Israel. It has to be either all Israeli or all Palestinian. And the way it looks now is all-Israeli – the dream from the outset in 1947 of a land without non-Jewish people. Gaza will still be there geographically, along with its gas rights in the Mediterranean. But it will be emptied out, and

occupied by the Israelis.”

On who would “help” to rebuild Gaza, there are a few solid takers already: “Turkish building companies, Saudi Arabia financing developments, UAE, American investors –maybe Blackstone. It will be foreign investment. If you look at the fact that the foreign investors of all these countries are looking for what they can get out of the genocide against Palestinians, you realize why there’s no opposition

to the genocide.”

Prof. Hudson’s final verdict on “the great benefit to the U.S.” is that “no claims can be brought against the U.S. – and against any of the warfare and regime change that it is planning for Iran, China, Russia and for what has been done in Africa and Latin America. Israel, Gaza and West Bank should be seen as an opening of the New Cold War. A plan for basically how to financialize genocide and destruction. Palestinians will either emigrate or be killed. That has been the announced

policy for over a decade.”

Friday, June 7, 2024

 A rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem

Israelis indifference to the genocide its right-wing government is committing in Gaza and the millions of its citizens plus its American supporters, conservative politicians and Jewish organized groups, whose fanatical cries for massacring the helpless Palestinians caused me and millions of others to turn with revulsion from the concept of Judaism. The Talmud, the core teaching of the Jewish religion, condemns non-Jews as less than human and fair game to deceive, abuse and murder. Yahweh of the Old Testament is the Israeli God, the War God, which Isaiah induced to kill the other Gods and it is Yahweh who demands absolute obedience from his people under threat of death. I have known many Jews, fellow employees, friends, and lovers who were emancipated from the Talmud and Torah law and would be shocked by their demands, which the religious Jews such as Netanyahu follow. The Jewish Question which Bauer and Karl Marx debated I had read but felt it was unsolvable in the European environment. For years, however, I was angered by the Israeli treatment of Palestinians, their invasion of Lebanon, the stealing of nuclear materials from the United States to secretly develop nuclear weapons and the countless assassinations of politicians, scientists, and civil rights leaders in foreign nations by the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency which works closely with U. S. Central Intelligence Agency in criminal objectives that benefit both. The Mossad uses false flag operations which through propaganda spread by the Jewish media and its co-operators fasten the blame on the victims they attack. Many books have been published in recent years on the influence of the deep state on influential officials of a nation whose loyalty is to a foreign power. Israel’s role in the assassinations of the Kennedys and in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon has been detailed by investigative researchers. Their search for the truth against the powers that hold the reins of government earn them scorn by the controlled press which never debates the issues but denigrates the messengers. The public has learned never to trust governments owing to the disclosures of courageous investigators and whistleblowers. The general feeling is that the banking interests have through the advent of finance capitalism some fifty years ago grown to an evil beast holding the levers of power. The hedge fund billionaires and all those who use their control of the banking system, the mortgage and loan sharks, called by many the “predators”, enriching themselves through planned bankruptcy and stealing of a company’s assets, through compound interest that casts the general population into debt, these leaches have bought the politicians who will pass their demands into law and now finance Donald J Trump for the presidency of the United Staes with the expectation that he will turn the democracy into an autocracy and crush all opposition with martial force. Some years ago I wrote a detective novel called Overworld/Underworld, in which I dramatized the battle between the Jewish Zionists and the Jewish anti-Zionists within the United States. My research for the novel brought me to an understanding of the deep state and its dangers but I did not foresee the rise of a criminal demagogue whose persuasive powers trapped religious conservatives, the uneducated underclass and the unprincipled ambitious in a net which paralyzed their minds to conceive Trump as a saviour who will make them rulers of the universe or bring Christ back to earth and imbue everyone with Christianity. (Sinclair Lewis foresaw it but so many years ago that the public stopped reading him.)

An American friend of many years, now living in southern France, who, by the way, is Jewish and well experienced in American politics, wrote: 

“From my days at Columbia, I knew a cabal of student leaders at WKCR and the Columbia Spectator who were keen to roll back all of FDR's New Deal accomplishments, social security, et al., and then the later iterations of the Great Society, like Medicare. They were all adherents of Ayn Rand, who they idolized, and who, Ayn Rand, I met personally through them informally. I did not comprehend then that their purpose was to reshape society according to her ideas. They went on to secure the highest and most influential positions (many became household names) in society. Some became early members of the Federalist Society. Their dream is now becoming reality, and this Supreme Court decision is the culmination of many decades devoted to this project. I should say that a few of the early supporters peeled away, but not most. It is a step by methodical step to achieve this state. What I want to emphasize is that I saw this happen as a consequence of their long-range plans they and their ilk had, over 60 years! They never gave up seriously planning and working for the destruction of the New Deal, and creating a world where only the fittest survive...period. It has taken on a White Christian Nation cast as well, but this seems to have been a marriage of convenience. At root, they are Hobbesian and proud of it. And myself? Back then, it seemed to me that one could have freedom of thought and action, and a social safety net; that these were not mutually exclusive. And I thought Ayn Rand was a Nazi in the worst sense. I didn't realize, didn't see, that this was all a stalking horse for a reshaping of our national character that would strip it of its aspirational call for root and branch equal treatment and the supremacy of fair and impartial justice over monarchial and despotic fiat, or to put it more simply, might over right. I just didn't understand nor could I comprehend that their true game plan was to remake America into Ayn Rand's Hobbesian world; ridding it of what they believed were losers, parasites, and the poor performers by denying any help to them.”

My friend’s warning brings another perspective to the problem. Now that the tools for spying and false imprisonment have been foisted on Americans by the George W Bush anti-terrorist laws and introduced into several “democratic” nations, we can envision the Hobbesians joining with the Trumpians to effect the kind of society they want, similar to that in Putin’s Russia. The educated far right, however, once they have come to power on the demagogue’s coattails will dispense with the demagogue and his blind followers. 

How does this vision fit with the catastrophe in Gaza? The seemingly impervious Israeli action, condemned by the United States, its ally, while supplying the 2000 pound bombs and other armaments to destroy an innocent people in a display of blatant hypocrisy demonstrates the weakness of international criminal courts and international law on a global scale while Trumpians and other autocratic leaders want the end of law, constitutions and normalcy on a national scale. Unstoppable violence is their message and fear is their aim. Netanyahu’s alliance with Hamas, which his rightwing faction has financed for years, (both being against the West Bank Palestinian Authority and a Palestinian state alongside Israel), proved that neither has any concern for citizens, Israeli and Palestinian. Ron Unz, the editor of Unz’s reports, wrote that Israel found it easier to bomb unarmed Palestinians, most of them women and children, than to engage Hamas fighters in the tunnels under Gaza. 

Those who support democracy and the rule of law are protesting in vain and look in fear and loathing at a crude, violent criminal force —“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

This hidden force, years in the making, enabled by the assassination of democratic leaders and dissembling about who perpetrated 9/11 and other tragedies, has overturned progressive state laws and crept into the U.S. Supreme Court. Jane Jacobs in her Dark Age Ahead warned that society’s basic pillars jeopardized by decay, irrelevancy and cultural uselessness are Community and family life, higher education, the effective  practice of science and science-based technology, taxes and government powers connected to needs and possibilities and self-policing by the learned professions.

As an example of decay I quote from a message from my former student: “As you may have read our Florida governor, DeSantis, is systematically dismantling higher education in Florida.  Tenure is a joke now with the legislature instituting a five year review.  Academic freedom and freedom of speech are rapidly disappearing. It's almost impossible to hire good new faculty. I could not now in all conscience teach African history.  Why did I devote 35 years of my life to this place?  Way too depressing to dwell on.”

Self-policing by the learned professions? Taxes and government powers? In the U.S. are they not now controlled by outside powers connected to a Republican law that allows dark money to decide issues? Community and family? They have been sundered by divisive politics. Science is split from technology, the latter a fearful tool used to investigate our private lives. Dark Ages begin with memory loss of what once was.